


Reconnect - Signature Programme

We can easily get trapped inside our minds. Trapped in patterns of thoughts and feelings that just won’t seem to go away. Thoughts of not being good enough? Feeling disconnect from the sweetness of life. Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we feel this way? Because we have lost connection to the true self and instead we identify with the egoic mind and all of its illusions and limitations.

The true self is the soul, is the spirit. That you are connected to on a level beyond words, beyond what the logical mind has been programmed to believe and accept. It’s an energy, a consciousness, our source power, the spirit of life itself. It’s the intelligence that runs our sacred bodies, and connects us to the cosmos, to everyone and everything in creation.

When we go beyond the limitations of the programmed egoic mind that is not the true self, we can reconnect with our true essence. We can give ourselves permission to feel and acknowledge the pain and trauma from the past so that it can be released and transmuted. We can allow emotions to move through us as was intended, rather than pushing them down into the unconsciousness which then acts to distort our reality and ability to connect to our divine self, to our true power source, causing much pain and discomfort.

Our true self is where we find our true stability, our peace, our fulfilment. It is where we can rediscover our true gifts and talents and move into a life of purpose, meaning and mission. Here, we connect to and can begin to express our truth as the conscious co-creator beings we forgot we are. It’s where we reclaim our wholeness and come back to our true home and connection to source. Connecting to the sacred light that has been placed inside each and every one of us. When we do this, connect to our source power, to our true authentic divine magnificent self we start the powerful process of alchemising past trauma, dissolving limiting beliefs begins and we start to move in soul alignment as we make room in the body to allow the soul to move in. This naturally attunes us to our highest timelines and to reclaiming our highest expressions.

So is it time to be brave and give yourself permission to step out of the mundane for this time? To clear a path and allow something major to “Reconnect”

The group programme spans 7 weeks (+ bonus pre-recorded week-8!) over zoom, each session lasting approx 2.5 hours. Sessions will be recorded so it’s possible to re-do the programme as often as you like. First half of the session is a Soul Teaching / Energy activation transmission MasterClass. Last half is spent in deep hypnotic soul medicine meditation as we access deeper levels of our bodies consciousness, the soul, the higher self and the subconscious mind.

Next Group Live Programme Starts 13/6/24

1:1 is 12 weeks with sessions 2 weeks apart with a 30-minute Zoom coaching call every 7 days between sessions. 

You can also purchase this programme pre-recorded on my products page. It includes a bonus week and soul expansion practices and techniques all designed to accelerate and amplify the transformation. 

Click each weeks image below to see the content that will be covered: all of which contributes to but not limited to: (note week 7 is an additional bonus week. Also this programme is constantly evolving as I am so expect much more than listed below) 

Quantum leaps in consciousness moving you deeper and deeper into soul alignment which is our purpose.

Dissolve many layers of limiting programmes that feed the belief “I’m Not Enough” & stop us from stepping into our highest self.

Increase self-worth, self-esteem, confidence & enoughness!

Increasing creativity, inspiration, motivation and dormant gifts and talents 

Release lifetimes worth of emotional trauma, retrieving lost soul fragments, becoming whole again!

Awakening to the true self (self realisation), maturing spiritually and emotionally

Release stress, anxiety, depression & illness

Reclaim your sovereignty, becoming the authority in your life by unplugging from the false matrix and plugging back into the true divine organic matrix & reclaiming your highest expression!

Reconnect & rediscover your authentic self and be guided by your spirit, by your light – this is the sweet spot of life!

Empowered with Simple, engaging, tools, techniques, knowledge and wisdom to continue to deepen this journey!

Disclaimer: This programme (live zoom) may be made available for sale for other clients after the programme ends so if you are not happy for your face to be seen on zoom by other future clients please turn off your camera.


  • Online Product Programme - 7 Week Programme £222

    Week’s content is below, now including 2 bonus weeks (not below) Week 7 'Forgiveness 180 and Week-8 Stepping Into the Future Self

  • 1:1 - 14 Week Programme £888

    8 x 2.5 hour session every 14 days with 30 minute zoom coaching call every 7 days. All sessions are recorded so you have life time access. +1 pre-recorded bonus session. Sessions are recorded so you have lifetime access

  • Group Live Zoom - 7 Week Programme £444

    7 x 2.5 hours sessions every week – Programme is recorded and you will be given free life time access to this. Next one starts 13/06/2024. Pre-recorded bonus session 8

If you are ready to expand your consciousness and step beyond fear and lack and into your authentic self, into trust and true abundance, click the individual images below to find out more about what we will cover each week. Thank you Corinne.

Week 1 Content

Moving Beyond Mind

Week 2 Content

Reclaiming Your Wholeness

Week 3 Content

Transforming Consciousness

Week 4 Content

Activating Power Centres

Week 5 Content

Guided By Self & Spirit

Week 6 Content

Embody Your Light