


Session can be done over zoom or in person depending on your location/preference.

For most services we work under my “Reconnect” signature programme framework as this allows for deep healing and transformation. Information and prices can be found on that page of my website.

Self Esteem/Confidence / Improve life

Low self-worth, self-esteem, self-belief and lack of confidence holds much of humanity back from realising their full potential and living their best lives, in true soul alignment. This can in the end lead to other illnesses like anxiety or depression because the true soul self is being denied due to the pre-programmed collective and individual subconscious beliefs and fears of the lower mind (ego self).

The mind is being programmed from birth from the whole of society and often these programmes are based in fear, lack, not enough ness, guilt and shame, ultimately leading to many people walking around with deep rooted beliefs and core wounds of not enough, not worthy, not loveable, not important, which hold them hostage to situations that do not serve them, limiting them from becoming their best self and experiencing a life of harmony, joy, fulfilment and connection. 

If you are suffering from not enough ness, lack of confidence and self belief, you are far from alone. However this couldn’t be further from the truth of who you really are. I can help you dissolve these false beLIEfs in the mind and reconnect you back to the true soul self where you don’t need to believe you are enough, it’s a knowing, a feeling a new consciousness.

So if you want to swap a life of struggle for a life of purpose and meaning then get in touch and we can discuss how I can guide you to do just that and reclaim your highest expression (ie best self!) 

If you would like to discuss further how I can help you please book a free no obligation 15 minutes consultation.

Soul Led leaders / mission leaders

Fed up of not feeling inspired at work, not feeling fulfilled with life in general? Want to upgrade this instead for a life of purpose, meaning and mission? A life where your soul (true self) is leading the way rather than the ego (false self) that has been programmed with many subconscious life limiting and sabotaging beLIEfs.

Everyone has within them a divine blueprint that carries keys, codes and co-ordinates to this kind of life. It’s just a matter of committing to the journey of self discovery which happens naturally as we go on the deeply profound healing journey of ‘Reconnection. Reconnection back to the true soul self. Dissolving the programmes that block us from tapping into our true gifts, talents and potential, so that we can start unlocking and aligning with our highest expression and timeline (path).

I myself swapped exhausting work (22 years in Corporate Finance) for fulfilling, meaningful mission work as I went through my own initiation and healing journey which has given birth to this deeply profound healing, and consciousness expanding programme that I have co-created with source, my higher self (soul) and my spirit guides and soul family. 

This “Reconnection journey is one paved with gold. Question is are you ready to  stop struggling crawling around on the floor blind, and instead ready to start activating your wings so you can sore to new heights?! The world needs new leaders and there is a time capsule within you awaiting your activation. Visit my ‘Reconnection’ page for more details. 

If you would like to discuss further how I can help you please book a free no obligation 15 minutes consultation.

Chronic illness

Are you sick of being sick? Told there is no cure and your fate is out of your hands?

But is it?

I’m looking for patients with an open mind that want to explore healing on a new soul level. To join a trial where I intend to show that healing un processed traumas and harmful negative belief systems and therefore restoring balance back into the energy body can restore you back to vibrant health and wellbeing. 

Whilst I cannot guarantee a cure, worse case scenario your quality of life will be greatly enhanced. I will be working with those interested at discounted rate of £555 (normally £777) over 7 sessions +1FREE pre-recorded sessions, plus between sessions soul coaching calls. 

You can access this video where I candidly talk about this trial

If you would like to discuss further how I can help you please book a free no obligation 15 minutes consultation.


We have been miss led by the medical profession (many are unaware) and big pharma (they are aware) that depression is often due to a chemical imbalance in the brain and therefore is only treatable through their drugs (ie anti-depressants) . This is a LIE and is why anti-depressants in the long term don’t actually work. Yes you may get some instant relief due to the powerful chemicals in these drugs, however it will not resolve the root of the depression and there are also terrible side effects of taking these drugs. Often these side effects are normalised however I do not believe them to be normal.

Depression can be caused by many different factors and is usually a combination of things, like low self-worth often coming from child hood experiences (possibly abuse) and resulting in years of negative self-talk/harsh critical thoughts that eventually depresses the body, unhealed trauma and a disconnection (severing) to the true SOUL self. 

If you are suffering from depression first please know this is not your fault. You are not broken and healing is available, all you have to be is willing.

The programme I offer here is a deeply profound healing, awakening and transformational life change journey. 


If you would like to discuss further how I can help you please book a free no obligation 15 minutes consultation.


Anxiety can create physical illnesses and symptoms, and become debilitating to your everyday life. It can make working impossible and destroy once healthy relationships. You become a prisoner in your own mind, not being able to escape negative, harsh, critical, fearful thoughts that go round and round. It can be a very painful and scary place to be.

Often people suffering with anxiety are in a constant state of stress therefore living in the sympathetic nervous system (fight, flight, freeze) which is our emergency system. When we spend too much time here we lose our ability to regulate the nervous system and bring it back into balance. It becomes deregulated, therefore we find it difficult to go into the parasympathetic nervous system which is where we rest, digest, restore and recover. This is very damaging to our mental and physical health.

Bringing the body back into balance, and reducing/eliminating anxiety is a very simple process, although it is not always easy however I support you every step of the way and can assure you that dissolving anxiety with the aid of hypnosis and the other techniques I use is much easier and much more rapid than trying to do this without it.

The programme I offer here is a deeply profound healing, awakening and transformational life change journey. 

If you would like to discuss further how I can help you please book a free no obligation 15 minutes consultation.

Deep Relaxation For Health/Stress Relief

Being busy is programmed into us. Remember being called lazy growing up for just wanting to be? Do you often feel guilty if you aren’t always on the go, ticking off your to do lists that never end! Often we have subconscious programmes that attach our self-worth, our value to being more, doing more and having more.

When you start to understand though the true price of this to your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health you wake up to the madness of these subconscious programmes that were purposely injected into society to keep us enslaved to the controllers (obey, conform, consume) and disconnected from the true self and what it means to be a human BEING.

You are not a robot. You are not a machine. Your fulfilment in life is directly connected to your ability to listen to your body, to slow down and hear your souls calling. To remember you are a conscious being. Perhaps you are waking up to this naturally? Or perhaps the universe has hit you with a health crisis to wake you up to the fact that your body has needs and your soul has a divine plan and you have wondered too far from it.

However you have arrived here you can breathe a sigh of relief and know that the path back to inner harmony is a simple one.

If you would like to discuss further how I can help you please book a free no obligation 15 minutes consultation.

Alternatively you may just be looking for a monthly deep relaxation hypnosis/meditation experience as part of your selfcare routine. I offer these sessions which last approx. 45 minutes (£55) and include a recording so that you can continue to relisten to the relaxation after the session. For this there is no need to book a consultation you can go straight ahead and book a session, although do feel free to book a consultation or give me a call if you would like to have a chat initially.

Past Life Therapy

Reincarnation has been known about since the beginning of time on earth, talked about in ancient scriptures and is at the heart of some religions like Hinduism and Buddhism (purposely removed from Christianity).

There is mountains of robust scientific evidence particular around child past life recall (Dr Ian Stevenson). Many documented past life regressions (Dr Brian Weiss/Michael Newton), near death experiences, individual remembrance (myself!), dreams and channellings (Matias De Stefano). Whilst it’s removed from the mainstream in our Western culture many people in the West still have a deep knowing that we have been here before, met certain people (soul cluster), been to certain places (déjà vu) and have a deep fascination/attraction to certain parts of history (soul remembrance).

We experience amnesia as we come into our new incarnation, however it’s possible to access these soul memories that are stored in the akashic records within our DNA. Right now our planet and ourselves are going through an ascension which is a raising of consciousness, this I believe in the not so distant future will result in us remembering consciously past life memories, and who the true self is, a multidimensional light being.

Until this time it is possible to access these memories through deep hypnosis where we can gain access to the subconscious and super subconscious mind. Experiencing a past life regression can be a very healing experience. It can provide great insight and wisdom into your current life’s challenges. It can show you who in your current life is a part of your primary soul group (souls you often incarnate with and play different roles in each others lives). You can receive guidance and advice from your guides and sprit team and in some cases speak to loved ones that have passed over.

It was my passion and curiosity of past lives that lead me to hypnotherapy, leading me to uncover so much more than I could ever have then imagined about our multi dimensional nature. Life is a great mystery and I don’t pretend to have all the answers, however what I do know is there is so much more to us than meets the eye and a past life regression can be so rewarding.

It would be 1 extended session as we need between 3 to 4 hours. The fee is £144. Should we not be successful which from time to time can happen if you are not meant to be given the information at this time, if it’s not deemed by your soul and spirit team to be of your highest good, I will refund you £70 and you will leave with a deep hypnosis relaxation recording.

Past life sessions can only be done in person as speaking when deep in hypnosis can be a little laboured. I need to be close to you during this session. My location is Brighouse, West Yorkshire. England.

If you would like to discuss further how I can help you please book a free no obligation 15 minutes consultation.