
Moving from Caterpillar to Butterfly Consciousness
WEEK 3 - Transforming Relationship With Self, Moving From Catipillar To Butterfly Conscousness
The session will start with a conversation, where I will cover the below topics. This conversation is an important part of the programme as it starts to activate & reawaken codes of knowledge (Gnosis) that is already within you, and it sets up the last part of the session where I guide you into a deep meditation / hypnosis session.
- Discuss our relationship with self, how we communicate with all parts of self & the impact.
- Retraining the mind, how to put the soul back in the driving seat.
- Dimensions of consciousness (3D, 4D, 5D) and how we individually and collective contribute to the worlds we create.
- Guided hypnosis to begin reprogramming the mind from caterpillar consciousness which is based around fear, lack, harsh critical thoughts, not enoughness, into butterfly consciousness which is grounded in unconditional love for self, grounded in balanced loving thoughts, reawakening your inner cheerleader that reminds you every day that you are enough, you are more than enough, you are infinite intelligence, you are part of god, source, consciousness.
Explore further weeks content…
Disclaimer: “During this programme I may change the order slightly if I am guided to do so, however if I am guided to do this it will be for the highest good for all who enrol on this programme and will only add to your experience”

Week 1 Content
Moving Beyond Mind

Week 2 Content
Reclaiming Your Wholeness

Week 3 Content
Transforming Consciousness

Week 4 Content
Activating Power Centres

Week 5 Content
Guided By Self & Spirit

Week 6 Content
Embody Your Light