
Becoming Mindless
The session will start with an activating energy transmission / Soul MasterClass where I will cover the below topics (+more). This transmission is an important part of the programme as it starts to activate and reawaken codes of knowledge (Gnosis) that are already within you, and it sets up the last part of the session where I guide you into a deep soul healing hypnotic meditation.
- Explore “Who Am I” beyond the programmes, beyond our inherited beliefs.
- Explore the mental, emotional, spiritual, energy and physical bodies and again an understanding of how these are all connected and how our programming from the past is impacting them and therefore impacting our lives today. Many pieces will begin to click in to place here.
- Put subconscious programming in the spot light, the role they play often unconsciously in directing our lives. How to become conscious of them, and how to start dissolving them. This knowledge alone will begin create powerful inner shifts. We will have a focus on the core wounds of lack, separation & fear based programming that permeates the collective consciousness like “the not enough ness programming, abandonment and rejection" wounds.
- Guided into soul healing container meditation to connect to your bodies consciousness to release trauma and stuck, repressed emotions from this life, past lives and from your lineage.
Disclaimer: “During this programme I may change the order slightly if I am guided to do so, however if I am guided to do this it will be for the highest good for all who enrol on this programme and will only add to your experience”

Moving Beyond Mind

Reclaiming Your Wholeness

Transforming Consciousness

Activating Power Centres

Guided By Self & Spirit

Embody Your Light